2FG, one and only ONE (:
Thursday, April 29, 2010


1a. What, according to the author, would be the ‘special reason to look forward to October 2007’ for the reader? [1]

It would be the fact that the reader could be one of the four people traveling to Mars that month. [1] ( Para 1 line 1-2)

1b. Why would October 2007 be a good time to make the journey from Earth to Mars? [2]

At that point of time, Earth and Mars would be aligned/ come into alignment (with each other) [1]

This would make the travel (between Earth and Mars) possible in less than eight months/ allow the journey to be less that eight months long [1]

1c. In your own words, explain why Mars would be an ‘inhospitable’ environment to live in. [3]

Inhospitable meaning providing no sustanance

Implies that life cannot be sustained

The temperature on Mars can be cold enough to kill.[1] (murderous -140 deg) (just ‘cold = no mark…the link must be made)

OR Drastic temperature change (unsuitable for human life) [1]

OR very/ extremely cold [1]

There isn’t enough oxygen on Mars for breathing [1] (thin)

The air on Mars is poisonous [1] (toxic)

2a. “…mankind’s first tiny settlement may be taking hold.” What does this statement tell you about the human settlement on Mars by 2017? [1]

To take hold of something means to establish something.

Therefore, to be taking hold refers to the process in which something is becoming established

The settlement is becoming more and more established/ becoming more defined/ slowly developed and built up [1]

Mentioning population and/or buildings in answers is generally acceptable but the idea of gradual establishment is important.

3a. From the passage, what evidence is there to show that humans are ‘a supposedly spacefaring
people’? [1]

human astronauts were routinely [0.5] bunny-hopping on the nearby moon [0.5]

‘Routinely’ can be substituted with: regularly/ constantly/ often/ frequently/ consistently

‘Bunny-hopping on the nearby moon’ can be substituted with: exploring/ wandering about/ moving about/ leaping about

3b. In what way would the phrase ‘…Mars seemed like an obvious next goal’ be deemed untrue? [3]

“however” (para 3 line 4)

humans have only been able to send a few unmanned Martian probes/ no one has been able to reach Mars [1]

the two most recent ones sent to Mars have been flamed out/ destroyed [1]

a scathing report blamed NASA’s mismanagement for the failures/ NASA has allegedly been mismanaging the probes [1]

4a. “Scientists at NASA and in the private sector have been quietly scribbling out flight plans and
sketching out vehicles” (paragraph 4, line 24) What does this statement tell us about the way the planning is being carried out? [1]

“quietly scribbling…sketching”

the planning is done secretly/ with great secrecy/ with no attention drawn to itself/ behind closed doors/ surreptitiously/ kept on a low profile/ confidentially [1]

4b. What two factors need to be considered in order to make the landings on Mars possible and
economically viable? [2]

the hardware being used/ advancement of technology (and) [1]

the funds available/ the cost. [1]

5a. “The space agency came back with an elephantine 30-year plan… and carried a jaw-dropping price tag of $450 billion.” Explain, in your own words, the kind of plan the space agency had come up with. [2]

the plan was massive/ huge/ incredibly large scale/ very big/ colossal/ titanic [1]

‘Elephantine’ à like an elephant (very big animal)

Incredibly/ shockingly/ appallingly/ astoundingly expensive [1]

Under what circumstances would your jaw ‘drop’?

5b. “The space agency came back with an elephantine 30-year plan… and carried a jaw-dropping price tag of $450 billion.” (paragraph 5, line 35) Using the above quotation, write the sentence that reveals the irony of this paragraph. [1]

Irony à

the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result

“The key to reaching Mars is doing it smart and doing it cheap.” [1] (no marks otherwise)

6a. Explain fully what accounts for the ‘cost of the project’. [2]

the size of the aircraft [1]

the fuel and other consumables the aircraft needed to cart for such a long trip [1]

‘for such a long trip’ is important as it explains the large amount of fuel and other consumables required for the trip (in this context).

6b. “That alone makes all the difference.” What does the word ‘alone’ imply? [3]

It implies that Mars having an atmosphere is [1]

enough reason to try and send people there to live [1]

despite it being a thousand times as distant from the moon (which has no atmosphere) [1]

7. What are the engineers at Martin Marietta Astronautics responsible for? [2]

they are responsible for developing a mission scenario known as the Mars Direct Plan [1]

which calls not merely for visiting the Red Planet but also for living off it [1]

8. Explain in what way do Methane, Oxygen and Hydrogen have a similar function? [2]

they can all be used as fuels [1]

This statement states the similar function

Methane and Oxygen can be used as rocket fuel and Oxygen and water are used as human fuel [1]

This explanation supports the statement above

9a. How would the crew be able to get back to earth from Mars? [2]

they will abandon the arrival craft/spacecraft they came in initially, [1]

board the other robot craft/ ship that was left there and blast off for home/ fly back to earth [1]

9b. Using your own words, explain why the astronauts would want to ‘fly several of these missions’? [2]

they would be able to leave behind several robot ships on Mars [1]

that can be used to start a small settlement. [1]

“…and you leave the surface scattered with a series of warming huts that serve as the beginnings of a base.”

9c. Deduce what would happen if the spacecraft was not initially ‘devoid of crew’. (Paragraph 8 line 53) [2]

The previous question was provided to hint at the answer for this question.

there will be no robot ships left behind [1]

It would be impossible to set up the small settlement. [1]

10a. What is the difference between ‘swimming across the Atlantic and swimming across the
Potomac’? [2]

Make the comparison that you can swim across one but not the other.

you can actually swim across the Potomac [1]

to cross the Atlantic, you will need a boat or an aircraft/ It is impossible to swim across the Atlantic. [1]

10b. Use one word to describe the writer’s view regarding traveling to the stars. [1]

pessimistic/ glum/ negative/ cynical/ insuperable/ doubtful/ any other word with the same meaning [1]

11a. What does the writer suggest could be used to power the spacecraft? [2]

energy from the sun/ solar energy [1]

Sunlight not acceptable

energy from a nuclear reactor/ nuclear energy [1]

Just saying ‘nuclear reactor’ does not answer the question

11b. What are the problems faced when building a nuclear-power jet as opposed to building a solar-
power jet? [2]

it will take a large amount of money (to build a nuclear-power jet) [1]

there will be political objection against (building a nuclear-power jet)[1]

12a. Why are both manned spaceships and unmanned space probes never going to reach the stars? [2]

both require an engine that is small and powerful [1]

such an engine cannot keep itself cool [1]

“Need an engine to cool itself” is not accepted

12b. “…the unmanned probe still needs an engine delivering one megawatt per pound.”
(paragraph 4, line 37) Why does the writer use the word ‘still’ in referring to an unmanned probe? Relate your answer to question 12a. [2]

this does not solve the problem [1]

of cooling the engine [1]

13. In what way is the information in the two paragraphs similar? [2]

both paragraphs discuss travel in space [1]

both discuss the difficulties faced relating to space travel [1]

both paragraphs mention that we have the technology for (some degree of) space travel [1]

both mention that cost/ funding is a major consideration [1]

14. For each of the following words, give one word or phrase (of not more than seven words) which
has the same meaning that the word has in the passage.

From Passage A:

a. inhospitable (paragraph 2 line 11)

hostile/ intimidating/ unwelcoming/ harsh/ uninviting/ difficult to stay or survive in/ unbearable/ not accomodating [1]

b. project (paragraph 4 line 30)

forsee/ predict/ forecast/ envisage/ envision [1]

Planned is the actual meaning of the word, but based on the context, it is not acceptable

From Passage B:

c. scoot (paragraph 2 line 10)

move swiftly/ travel quickly/ jet/ fly in a high speed/ zip/ zoom [1]

d. objections (paragraph 2 line 16)

opposition/ resistance/ protests/ disagreement [1]

e. insuperable (paragraph 3 line 32)

impossible/ overwhelming/ insurmountable/ unsolvable/ [1]

difficult/ not easy/ unsolved [no marks]


HEY PEOPLE. Here are the answer scheme for time practice 2.


From Passage A

From paragraph 1

1a “By popular reputation, parasites are repugnant creatures…”

What is implied by the underlined word about the reputation of the parasites? [1]

v Many people share the same opinion about the parasites.

1b Why are parasites described as ‘repugnant’? [1]

v They are ugly

v ….. creepy

v ….. slimy

v ….. weird [Any 1]

1c “In nature, these organisms seem to have lost their table manners”. [2]

Why does the author say this?

v Usually, one is expected to behave well in front of a host. [1]

v However, the parasites do not as they come uninvited and eat their hosts / “They invite themselves to lunch and then dine on their hosts, sucking blood, leaching nutrients, devouring whole organs”. [1]

1d Using your own words, explain why the creature is described as ‘helpless’. [2]

v It continues to exist [1]

v While its insides are being eaten [1]

From paragraph 2

2a What is implied about the parasites from the phrase ‘odd sideshows’? [2]

v They are strange [1]

v They are unimportant [1]

2b Pick out the phrase which suggests that the parasites are gradually gaining importance. [1]

v “finding a new place in the biological spotlight”

2c In your own words, explain how the parasites are significant. [4]

v many of the characteristics found in plants and animals developed and changed as a result / consequent of the parasites’ existence

(many of the traits we see in plants and animals evolved in response to their


From paragraph 3

3a “Millions probably, perhaps tens of millions”.

What is suggested here? [1]

v The number is an estimation / guess / approximation

3b Which word implies the same meaning as “living within”? [1]

v “denizens”

From paragraph 4

4a “The so-called pork tapeworm …”.

What is implied by the underlined word? [1]

v That it is not really pork / from a pig

4b “Fleas, ticks and leeches are usually more catholic in their choice of hosts…”.

Explain the above statement with reference to the underlined words. [2]

v Have a wider range [1]

v Selection [1]

4c Quote an evidence to show that parasites are innocuous. [1]

v “Two varieties of mites live harmlessly on the landscape of the human face, tucked into hair follicles of the forehead and cheeks.”

4d “However, many parasites pester, maim or kill the animals they infect.”

Give one example for each of the cases underlined above. [3]

v pester – “Two varieties of mites live harmlessly on the landscape of the human face, tucked into hair follicles of the forehead and cheeks.” [1]

v maim – “Blood-dwelling trematodes infect 200 million people, sometimes causing severe disease of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder and liver.” [1]

v kill – “Hookworms, little leechlike vampires of the intestinal tract, … kill perhaps 100 000.” [1]

4e Which word suggests that hookworms are not vampires? [1]

v “leechlike”

From paragraph 5

5 Why are the parasites that cause malaria described as the ‘worst offenders’? [1]

v because the number of people dying from malaria is astounding / too huge

From paragraph 6

6 What is the author’s opinion of parasites? Give an evidence for your answer. [2]

v He thinks positively of them [1]

v “splendid creatures” / “They give you a healthy respect for the power of little things.” [1]

From paragraph 7

7a “Parasites – even invisible ones – affect life in profound ways…”.

What is implied about the parasites? [1]

v powerful / have a great influence

7b In your own words, give two reasons for the parasites being powerful. [2]

v reproduce quickly [1]

v in great numbers [1]

(Because most multiply so rapidly and in abundance, their effects are

especially powerful).

From paragraph 8

8 Give an evidence to show how powerful the parasites can be. Do not use the words in the paragraph. [1]

v they can alter the usual actions of animals

(Some parasites can change the habits of animals…)

From Passage B

From paragraph 1

9a “Many biologists see the relationship between parasite and host as a kind of biological arms race.”

Describe the “arms race” taking place here. [3]

v the constant competition between the parasites and hosts [1]

v the hosts have to keep finding ways to defend themselves against the parasites’ invasion while [1]

v the parasites have to constantly device new ways to invade the bodies of their hosts [1]

9b Quote a phrase that implies that the parasites have an advantage over their hosts. [1]

v “have an edge”

9c In your own words, give the reasons for the parasites having an advantage over their hosts. [3]

v they die earlier than their hosts [1]

v multiply at a faster rate [1]

v develop and change faster than their hosts [1]

9d “Still, the contest rarely ends in victory…”

Why is this ironic? [2]

v With the parasites having an edge over their hosts, we expect them to overcome their hosts easily but they do not

From paragraph 2

10a Which word in the paragraph suggests that the parasites have to make a sacrifice? [1]

v “traded”

10b “Eventually, they traded the freedom of life in the open for the security of constant food and shelter.”

Pick out a sentence that implies the same meaning as the above. [1]

v “a host is an island in a vast, inhospitable sea”

From paragraph 3

11 In your own words, explain how the parasites alter the behaviour of the cockroach to their advantage. [4]

v deprives the roach of its normal escape response [1]

v causing it to be less suspicious [1]

v so that it can be caught easily by rats or other mammals that

v the worm prefers as the next host [1]

(“It robs the roach of its normal escape response, making it grow less wary, increasing the chance that it will be snapped up by the rats or other mammals the worm favours for its next host.”)


From Passages A and B

12 For each of the words given, give a word or phrase (of not more than seven words) that has a similar meaning as the word given in the passage. [5]

From Passage A

a repugnant (L2) – very unpleasant / disgusting

b significantly (15) – to an important degree

From Passage B

c evade (L3) – avoid / hide from

d minute (L13) – very small / negligible

e resilient (L18) – tough / strong and not easily affected


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hey peeps :D
Exams are coming
Homework are flooding
follow this link
thats the link to SNSD run devil run
n this is another link:::
but if you're anti-SNSD
neway,im oso here to wish Charmaine HAPPYBDAE!!
n :


Friday, April 16, 2010

u're finally 14 :D 1 yr older than me :D haiz...just a few more days & u can be 13 yrs old for NAPFA sia...now u'll have to aim higher for ur NAPFA :D fruitful 14 & bye!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

hieee ppl, homework again :S as long as u see me here, means there's hw. i'm sorry if i'm flooding the whole blog with hw. anw, thanks yulin for the de-stress video :D
maths F1
Geog Climate WS
Lit Unseen prose ws
chinese 12 qns 2nd draft

important dates:
tmr - chem test
thur - timed practice
fri - PE NAPFA training, Bazaar collection, tingxie, geog test


Saturday, April 10, 2010


ok, i think most likely is because ppl are damn stressed up with all the IRRITATING PROJECTS, SUPER DIFFICULT TESTS AND TONS OF HOMEWORKS THAT OUR WICKED TEACHERS GIVE US. then in the end our post will be all about homework list -.-

fine.. i am not supposed to grumble in the class blog.. so i am here to post a video!!! :DDDD

hahas.. exciting right? ok fine.. i know the answer will be no..lol

anw, in order for the poor and stressed up fgians to relax abit, i found a damn funny video from youtube and i decide to post it on the CLASS BLOG!!! :D yepeee~

hahaas.. this is a just for laugh gags video that i watch!
hehe! funny right? especially the last part.. ok.. i know the quality suck but i can only find this one lah.. so please enjoy~and RELAX!

OH! anw remember to study for chem tests ok:D


weekend delights:
Maths F1
Read History Chapter 5

Next week tests:
Tue - Chem Test(Atoms, Ions, Molecules, Particulate Model Of Matter)
Fri - Geog Test & tingxie(宋词三首)
Thu - Timed Practice

ppl, MYE's coming D: dun feel stressed up ok? i dun wan to see any robots/zombies in the class after they feel stressed up from doing all the hw. Don't lock urself up in the room & study all day. Must give yourself some time to play also(but not too much) :D Take a break when you need or you'll fall sick. & trust me, falling sick is no fun D: u'll miss all the fun in school (lik how i missed April fools D:) JYJY FGians :D WE ROCK & let's pwn other classes :D


Thursday, April 8, 2010

hey fg!! el argumentative test tmr D: topics: latchkey child, markets(the grocery one, not the stock one) & singapore's population!!! GOGO RESEARCH :D & tmr rmb stay back for service learning D:D: dun complain, coz u guys dun have to do ppt & present tmr D:
art, 笔记,背宋词,修改十二道题目, Maths F1, Read Chap 5 History Txtbk
Chem test(atoms, ions, molecules, particulate model of matter); Geog test(landforms)

ya, and wang lao shi ask me post this on class blog: 十二道题目will be due on next monday & please do not throw ur first draft away. :D
yep, i guess that's all. have fun doing hw & preparing tests :D:D


Monday, April 5, 2010

tmr's events:
HCL Test3
CNA Grp 5 &6
HCL protected time

today's homework:
Chem WS B3b only :D

yeps, that's all. good luck group 5 & 6 for CNA tmr!! & rmb study for HCL test :D

Friday, April 2, 2010

Okay i shall update the homework and tests coming up.

剪报(五):3月份《直通车》低年级综合填空 pg 35
Dateline for these 2 chinese homework is 7/4/10 WEDNESDAY.

Okay i think that's all for homework. Here comes the tests.

MONDAY 5/4 : Biology test on Transport in Man & Excretion in man AND
听写 on 第11课 & 成语161-180
TUESDAY 6/4 : 统一测验(3)on 第7, 8, 9, 10, 11 课 & 成语 161-180, 班级图书 6, 7 章
THURSDAY 8/4 : Maths test on worksheets C6-C9 (out of 15 marks)
History test (structured essay) on idk what chapter -.-
FRIDAY 9/4 : Argumentative essay. The 3 topics are on : 1. Latchkey child,
2. Markets and 3. Population
You will only have to choose one of the three topics to write on that day. So happy researching your stuff.

Okay i guess that's all. If there's any mistakes/problems with the tests or homework just say it out on the tagboard :D


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Form ; Mrs Clarissa Han :D

#01 Amanda - Guzheng, 29th Dec
Ex Vice-chair

#02 Wing Kuan - Dance, 21st Jan
Hist Rep

#03 Charmaine - Art Club, 16th Apr

#04 Jolene - Guzheng, 1st Mar
Ex Chairman

#05 Kylin - Volleyball, 1st Oct

#06 Kia Yee - Netball, 25th Feb

#07 Wei Han - CDC, 24th Jul
EL Rep

#08 Tingting - Calligraphy, 8th Oct

#09 Dallas - Band, 24th Oct
Geog Rep

#10 Kerrine - Choir, 12nd Nov
Hist Rep

#11 Wei Qin - Calligraphy, 17th Jun
Chem Rep

#12 Meng Tong - Band, 18th Mar
Learning Resource Rep

#13 Ser Jean - Dance & EDS, 31st Oct
Welfare Rep & SC

#14 Si Yu - CDC, 30th Sep
Welfare Rep & SC

#15 Grace - Guzheng, 25th Sep

#16 Lin Ying - Calligraphy, 10th Mar
Welfare Rep & SC

#17 Jia Yu - Dance, 28 Nov

#18 Yu Lin - Chi. Orchestra, 21st Mar

#19 Bernice - Art Club, 22nd Jul

#20 Jia Hui - Table-Tennis, 13th May

#21 Juliana - Art Club, 16th March

#22 Chen Lan - Band, 5th Jun

#23 Zhi Tong - Art Club, 2nd Nov
Green Rep

#24 Yuanfang - CDC, 19th Mar

#25 Ding Xiang - Volleyball, 22nd Sep

#26 Zhe Kai - EDS, 20th Jan

#27 Wei Zhong - Calligraphy, 16th Oct
Sports Rep & Vice-chair(:

#28 Jun Hui - Table-Tennis, 30th Sep
Maths Rep

#29 Zong Han - NCC, 12th Apr
E. Lit Rep

#30 Zhen Hui - St. John's, 9th Sep
Safety Rep

#31 Neng Hao - Scouts, 30th Apr
D&T Rep

#32 Ren Shu - Volleyball, 10th Jan
Noticeboard Rep

#33 Hoong Wei - Basketball, 13th Aug
Art Rep

#34 Wang Miao - NPCC, 25th Mar

#35 Bryan - Basketball, 23rd Sep
Sports Rep

#36 Si Han - Scouts, 8th Mar
HCL rep

#37 Kim Hwang - Basketball

#38 Xinpeng - Basketball, 26th Dec
Bio Rep

#39 Luka - St. John's, 23rd May


Sec 1s'10!
One Forgiveness
One Harmony

Sec 2s'10!
Two Benevolence
Two Courage
Two Diligence
Two Empathy
Two Grace
Two Harmony
Two Integrity
Two Justice
Two Loyalty
Two Modesty
Two Respect

Sec 2s'09! !
Two Benevolence
Two Dilligence
Two Empathy
Two Forgiveness
Two Grace
Two Harmony
Two Integrity
Two Justice
Two Loyalty
Two Modesty
Two Respect

Sec 4s'10!
Four Benevolence
Four Empathy
Four Forgiveness
Four Grace
Four Harmony
Four Integrity
Four Loyalty
Four Modesty

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011

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codes © mc